
Age of Sigmar: Stormcast Eternals Vindicator Sprue [DE-2]

£2.24 inc Vat

  • This demo Age of Sigmar demo miniature is great for practicing your painting skills


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35 in stock

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SKU: GW-99440299118
Quantity in Stock: 35


This Age of Sigmar Stormcast Eternals Demo Painting Miniature is great to practice your painting skills on.

The bulwark of the Thunderstrike-armoured Stormcast Eternals, Vindictors are defensive specialists, using their shields and stormspears to hold the line against the multitudinous enemies of Order.

By bellowing litanies of faith, they are able to conjure arcs of lightning that jump between their shields and spears, blasting charging enemies with the fulgurant power of Azyr. Once they have planted their flag on a point that they have elected to defend, these stalwart warriors are nearly impossible to shift.

This push-fit kit comprises eight components, with which you can build one Vindictor wearing Thunderstrike armour, wielding a stormspear and shield.

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Additional information

Weight 0.06 kg
Dimensions 21 × 13 × 5 cm

Games Workshop

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Country of Origin


EAN: 994402991182
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